
Fully - Angular Admin Template changelog.

0.9.0 - 2021-09-27

  • Update project to Angular 12 🎉

  • Update all dependencies to latest versions.

Steps to update your existing project:

Update Angular to next major version (11) [from 10.1.1]

ng update @angular/core@11 @angular/cli@11 --create-commits
ng update @angular/material@11 --create-commits
ng update @nguniversal/builders@11 --create-commits
ng update @nguniversal/express-engine@11 --create-commits

Before updating Angular to v12, we need to update some peer dependencies

npm install --save @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@10

Update Angular to the latest version (12) [from 11.2.x]

Try to follow this order for proper peer dependencies update

ng update @nguniversal/builders@12 --create-commits
ng update @angular/core@12 @angular/cli@12 --create-commits
ng update @angular/material@12 --create-commits
ng update @nguniversal/express-engine@12 --create-commits

Update tooling (global npm dependencies)


npm outdated -g --depth=0


npm install -g @angular/cli

Update other libraries (for the project)


npm outdated --depth=0 --long


npm install --save @swimlane/ngx-charts@19
npm install --save @commitlint/cli@13
npm install --save @commitlint/config-angular@13
npm install --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
npm install --save google-libphonenumber
npm install --save rxjs@6.6.7
npm install --save bootstrap@4.6.0
npm install --save mobile-detect

New version of ECharts has breaking changes, also see the migration guide

npm install --save echarts@5
npm install --save ngx-echarts@7
npm install --save @juggle/resize-observer

New version of Chart.js has breaking changes, also see the migration guide

npm install --save chart.js@3
npm install --save ng2-charts@next

ng2-charts breaking changes references:

Dev dependencies

npm install --save-dev @types/echarts
npm install --save-dev @types/express@4.17.13
npm install --save-dev @types/node@14.17.1
npm install --save-dev @types/jasmine@3.9.1
npm install --save-dev @types/jasminewd2@2.0.10

Upgrade Husky (Git hooks)

npm install husky@latest --save-dev \
  && npx husky-init \
  && npm exec -- github:typicode/husky-4-to-7 --remove-v4-config

ESLint Migration

Linting is the process of analyzing your code for bugs, warnings, style and consistency changes, and more. In early 2019, TSLint was officially deprecated, and the community centered around ESLint as its replacement. Since then, there’s been a lot of development in ESLint in order to support TypeScript as well as Angular. Now, we finally have TypeScript-ESLint and Angular-ESLint.

In order to migrate our existing project we run the following commands:

ng add @angular-eslint/schematics

ng g @angular-eslint/schematics:convert-tslint-to-eslint

Fix vulnerabilities

npm audit
npm audit fix

0.8.0 - 2020-09-30

  • Update project to Angular 10 🎉

  • Update all dependencies to latest versions.

To update your existing project please follow these steps.

If you re-download the files from your Angular Template account you don't need to do this because the template is already updated.

Updating Angular 8.2 to Angular 9

Remove any es5BrowserSupport flags in your angular.json and set your target to es2015 in your tsconfig.json. Angular now uses your browserslist to determine if an ES5 build is needed.

ng update will migrate you automatically.

ng update @angular/core@8 @angular/cli@8 --create-commits
ng update @angular/core@9 @angular/cli@9 --create-commits

Before updating Angular Material, we need to update peer dependency @swimlane/ngx-charts

npm install --save @swimlane/ngx-charts@14
ng update @angular/material@9 --create-commits
ng update @nguniversal/express-engine --force --create-commits

entryComponents are no longer required. They can be removed from your code.

Updating Angular 9 to Angular 10

ng update @angular/core @angular/cli --create-commits

Before updating Angular Material, we need to update peer dependency @swimlane/ngx-charts

npm install --save @swimlane/ngx-charts@16
ng update @angular/material --create-commits
ng update rxjs --create-commits

Run npm outdated and update all your libraries. In our project we had to update the following:

npm install --save @commitlint/cli@11

npm install --save @commitlint/config-angular@11

npm install --save husky@4.3

npm install --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-free

npm install --save google-libphonenumber

npm install --save echarts@latest
npm install --save ngx-echarts@5.1.2

npm install --save chart.js@latest
npm install --save ng2-charts@2.4.1

npm install --save-dev codelyzer@latest

Update ng-bootstrap

npm install --save bootstrap

npm install --save @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@7

ng add @angular/localize

0.1.2 - 2019-12-20


  • Move Material Icons and text font family from index.html to main.scss and third-party/material.scss

  • Rename override-material-variables.scss to material.scss

  • Update buttons mixin

  • Add color palette primary color to radio buttons from settings menu

  • Rename app/layouts for app/components

New Features

  • Add Components/Lists

    • New lists examples!

  • Add Components/Cards

    • New cards examples!

  • Add truncate-text mixin.

    • This mixin is useful when you want to limit your text to a certain amount of lines

0.1.1 - 2019-12-02


  • Fix sign in modal image path.

  • Fix CRM dashboard task lists checkbox icon and default color.

  • Add border-radius to autocomplete images in utilities/autocomplete.

  • Fix button link color in forgot password page

  • Fix typo in CRM dashboard: "be proactive about your goals"

  • Fix table with filters image height.

  • Fix md and sm visual issue in Layout A with side-nav push mode.

Dynamic Layouts

  • Re-write dynamic layout mechanism. We got rid of our previous mechanism that worked by resetting the router settings with the selected layout. Now we are using Angular Material CDK Portals to dynamically render the different layouts. This fixed several issues.

  • Removed app.routes.ts file because with the new dynamic layout approach this abstraction is no longer needed. You should now find all the routes in the app-routing.module.ts

Responsive Layout

  • Update server.ts to identify requests from mobile devices and adjust the layout according to that. Added mobile-detect library.

  • Include Angular TransferState mechanism to read server side response header and act accordingly depending if we are on mobile device or not.

  • Rename LayoutBreakpointService to ResponsiveBreakpointsService.

  • Improved the responsive transition by setting the 'menu-open' class to the layout when the side-menu starts opening.

0.1.0 - 2019-11-28

First release

Happy thanks giving! 🎉

Hope you enjoy this early version of Fully. We are working hard on polishing the template. Feel free to send us your early feedback to

Stay tune for imminent updates and new features.

Last updated